Hi all! As a freelance writer it’s always a joy to discover apps that make your life simpler. Over the last few days, I have discovered two great writer’s resources and so I want to share them with you.
1.Writebox – Distraction free text editor
An MS Word document as helpful as it is, prompts you to edit your content as you write. I am referring to those dreaded ‘green underlines’ which appear as your type, urging you to either write in the correct voice or change the sentence structure.
Only last week I wrote about learning how to write faster. One of the ways to do that is to write uninterrupted as if you are conversing with someone. One of the writers suggested writing by hand as a quicker way of writing.
Writebox, is an online tool that allows you to write as if you were writing on paper – no spelling or grammatical corrections, no fancy formatting, and no need to save your document as you type. The screen only shows you the number of lines, words, and characters typed. Using Writebox improved my writing speed by at least 25% .
Writebox also allows you to save your work directly on Google Drive or Dropbox, so you can access you resume working on your content from any device anytime.
2. Canva – Easy to use graphic design tool
Canvas allows you to design beautiful graphics and posters for blogs, social media, presentations, survey results and posters. You can edit the text in existing layouts. This site makes it incredibly easy to develop creative updates for your social media sites, including designing your FB page cover and Twitter header.
I used this website to design a cover for my Facebook page ( image below) and I was pleasantly surprised with my maiden effort at graphic designing. I am sure I will get better with practice.
Both these apps are free (as of now), so go ahead and give them a try!
Which website do you use for hassle free writing and designing graphics? Have you discovered any new writer’s tools recently? Please do share in the comments box below.
Photo credit: adamr, freedigitalphotos.net